Skydance Animation Hires Disney TV's Shane Prigmore for top Animation Development Role

Skydance Animation Hires Disney TV's Shane Prigmore for top Animation Development Role

Skydance Animation has named Shane Prigmore to its newly created position of senior vice president of development for animation.Despite the studio not...

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"Trolls World Tour" director Walt Dawn Signs exclusive contract with Dreamworks Animation

"Trolls World Tour" director Walt Dawn Signs exclusive contract with Dreamworks Animation

Walt Dohrn is evolving his relationship with Dreamworks Animation, where he directed Trolls World Tour and co-directed Trolls. The studio announced to...

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Ubisoft Axes3 Top Executive after Widespread Allegations of Sexual Harassment and Misconduct

Ubisoft Axes3 Top Executive after Widespread Allegations of Sexual Harassment and Misconduct

Paris-headquartered Ubisoft, publisher of videogame franchises that include Assassin's Creed, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, Fa...

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Vancouver's Bronmedia launches a new animation division in response to the pandemic

Vancouver's Bronmedia launches a new animation division in response to the pandemic

Amid the upheavals of the pandemic, the Vancouver-based Bron Media Corp. has launched Bron Digital, a new virtual production shop focused on animation...

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The city of Toon, a leading animation producer in the Philippines, is experiencing a 28% productivity drop in the lockdown

The city of Toon, a leading animation producer in the Philippines, is experiencing a 28% productivity drop in the lockdown

Throughout the pandemic, the animation world has been abuzz with reports of studios maintaining - or even boosting - productivity. A narrative has eme...

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A year after the arson incident, Kyoto Animation has adopted again

A year after the arson incident, Kyoto Animation has adopted again

Almost a year since a devastating arson attack destroyed its building and killed dozens of its employees, Kyoto Animation is rising from the ashes. Th...

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